The re-formation of TYP

The re-formation of TYP

You know that feeling when you’ve seen your kid grow up and then it comes to that age when its time to let go and you feel really emotional and don’t know how to let it happen. Well, I’m 18 so thankfully I don’t know that feeling yet but I feel kind of like that while I’m writing this blog post.

The UK branch of The Youth Project has formed the majority of my life for the past two and a half years. I have seen it grow, through strong times and difficult times. Our board of directors have become like family to me and we have really come together as a solid team.

We are now changing our structure to allow for the massive surge in our membership, globally. The reason for this surge in membership is that our main boards around the world are now getting to that age when everyone goes off to university, so we are going to change from being in 1 or 2 cities in each country to 20+ cities in each country, each with their own team. To manage this, we are formulating a global board of directors, to oversee the progress of TYP as a whole and this means that TYP UK needs a new CEO.

Karan Patel has been given this role as of today, he is an extremely motivated, driven and talented individual and was one of the first members of TYP. He built our digital magazine, TYPE/The New Word, and has also been behind a large number of other successful campaigns. He previously held the role of Chief Development Officer. For these reasons, I think he is a suitable person for the role. Without him, we definitely would not be where we are today. I feel fully confident that with the leadership of Karan, TYP UK will continue to grow, prosper and make an impact in our local and international community. Karan would be very suited to managing TYP UK and maintaining the pressures that juggling schools and universities across the country will bring.

Having held this role for the past two and a half years, initially when we had four members until now when we have thousands, I have learnt so much from it and I feel it is time for someone else to take on the challenge. The Youth Project has developed so much over the years, we have changed direction many times and gained, as well as lost a number of valuable people but overall, we are fulfilling our aims and getting closer towards our original vision.

I will still be involved as part of the new, global board and will help Karan and the team whenever necessary. This new structure will allow us to be more thorough with everything and will hopefully give us an even stronger platform to make a change in the world. I feel this would be the right role for me as I’d be able to help co-ordinate the expansion between countries and use my experience to be able to help everyone where possible.

Eashan Thakrar
[email protected]
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